The Faithclip Christian podcast makes a great daily devotional.
Seek First: A Call To Prioritize God's Kingdom:
In Matthew 6:33, we are reminded of a vital truth: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." What are "all these things"? They are everything necessary to fulfill our purpose and destiny in God. This powerful message invites us to examine our priorities and align our lives with God’s Ways.
Seek First. This is Robert Woeger, and in Matthew 6:33, we are told to seek first The Kingdom Of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto us. What are all these things? Well, they're everything you need to accomplish your destiny in God, in your life.
So, if we will simply seek first God's Kingdom, God's Laws, God's Ways of doing things, just the way God operates, we get to know Him and His Ways. And if we'll seek after His righteousness, His righteousness is found through Jesus Christ, has given us the righteousness of Christ. And if we will put on daily Christ's righteousness, not our own, which is as filthy rags, because we can't be righteous in our own self.
But through Jesus Christ, we have access to the Father God, and we have access to Christ's righteousness. So, in Christ, we can do all things, because He strengthens us. So, today, I'm encouraging you to seek first The Kingdom Of God, to put Him and His Ways above all other things, and to be clothed with Christ's righteousness, and be holy, therefore, as He is holy.
We can live a holy life. We can push out all the junk that has come into our life, all of the world, all of sin, and all of the deception that the enemy has tried to put on us. It all starts with right thinking.
So, this day, today, choose who you will serve. Choose to serve the living God. Choose to serve Jesus Christ.
Choose to honor and glorify God with your words, thoughts, and actions, always having what you say line up with what God's Word says, because, in reality, we are in covenant with Jesus Christ, in covenant with Father God, when we have come to Jesus as our Lord and Savior, believing on Him. Belief is not just a one-time event, but it's a lifestyle. We need to keep that covenant, just like you would keep a marriage covenant, and it's not a one-day thing, but it's a lifetime thing.
We're to run the race as to win, to walk by faith and not by sight, putting on the righteousness of Jesus Christ every day, putting on the full armor of God, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, our feet to be shod with the readiness that comes from The Gospel Of Peace, the helmet of salvation, and the shield of faith with which we can extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy, and having the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And as we yield to God and wield the sword of the Spirit, as our lives are in total agreement, what we say, what we do, what we think with God's Word, then we will have victory over the enemy and over obstacles in our life. Put on the full armor of God, and seek first God's Kingdom and His Righteousness and be led by faith in everything you do, always being in agreement with God's Word.
This is Robert Woeger, with this message: Seek First. God bless you.