Speak Life - Robert Woeger - Christian Daily Devotional - #affirmations #devotional #robertwoeger
Robert WoegerSeptember 10, 202400:06:21

Speak Life - Robert Woeger - Christian Daily Devotional - #affirmations #devotional #robertwoeger

Speak Life - Robert Woeger. The Faithclip podcast with Robert Woeger helps to increase your faith in God and in God's Word. Robert Woeger is an author and publisher, known for his teachings on faith, healing, and the power of always speaking words in agreement with God's Word. Visit: Robert Woeger Official Website. (https://robert.tel/) Listen to Robert Woeger's Podcast (https://faithclip.com/) . Watch Robert Woeger Videos (https://youtube.com/@robertwoeger) . Get Robert Woeger books (https://www.amazon.com/author/woeger) on Amazon.

The Faithclip Christian podcast makes a great daily devotional.

Speak Life by Robert Woeger. Proverbs 18:21 sets the stage with this declaration: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Therefore, we need to get a revelation that our words that come out of our mouth are life or are death, they are blessings or they are curses to those around us. They will shift things, change things, change the atmosphere and the environment. They will cause things to be drawn into our lives and cause other things to be removed from our lives. That's why negative words, words filled with doubt, hate, anger, bitterness, resentment, pride, jealousy, will not serve us well.

They will bring negative things into our life. You know, we're called to be a blessing and not a curse. When we do negative things and speak negative words, we can curse ourselves, our bodies, and we can curse other people around us, and other situations.

But, when we use the gift of being able to speak words that God's given us, and if we use it for the positive, and when we use our words to align up with what God said in God's Word, then it will draw positive things into our lives, because it's impossible for God's Word to return back to Him void. But it will accomplish that which it is sent to do. So, when we speak according to God's Word, even the angels will help fulfill it to bring it to pass.

They're not obligated to fulfill negative words, or words of our own worldly desires, or our own flesh. But when we speak in agreement with Heaven, in agreement with God's Word, then things will change for the better. Positive things, blessings will happen.

God wants us to live life, and have it more abundantly. He doesn't want us to live under poverty, sickness, disease, lack, or curses. But He wants us to have joy, and He wants our joy to be full.

He doesn't want us to be missing any good thing. Nothing missing, nothing broken. He wants us to have total wholeness in every area of our life.

Isn't that exciting? And it starts with salvation. Because when we walk in Salvation, we are restored back to God through His Son, Jesus Christ. When we have faith in Jesus as our Lord and our Savior, and we repent of our sins, we have access back to Father God.

So, when you pray to the Father In Jesus' Name, He will hear you and He will answer you, as long as you pray being aligned with God's Words. God is looking for men and women of faith who believe His Word, who trust Him, and will boldly speak His Word, so that things shift for the better in the world. We are called to be ambassadors of Christ in this world.

Jesus prayed, Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We likewise should pray to our Father who art in Heaven, give Him the honor, the reverence due His Name and say, we desire His Will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

He needs us as ambassadors, as speakers, as agreers here on earth, with authority In Jesus' Name, to speak life here in the earth, to speak life over people's bodies, to speak life over finances, and over businesses, so that He can increase. He's depending on us to use our words properly, and the enemy is hoping we'll use our words in fear, in doubt, in unbelief, being jealous of others, in pride, and in material possessions, so that we cannot advance into the destiny God has for us. But, oh my friend, I encourage you to speak life, not death, to speak blessings, and not curses. I encourage you to get my book called Blessings And Curses, and you will find out that God is a blessing God, and you'll find out how to avoid the traps the enemy has, and the curses and snares. Repentance is the key to getting freedom from all bonds that bind us. So, today, repent of all your sins In Jesus' Name, and ask Father God to forgive you of all your sins, and then expect God to direct your path today.

Pray, and ask for his wisdom, and his revelation by His Holy Spirit, so that you can go and do great exploits, and speak words of life, that will shift the atmosphere, and that will line up with true faith in God, so that God can answer your words of faith, and shift things for the better. God bless you.