018 - Secure In God - Robert Woeger
Robert WoegerSeptember 23, 202400:05:17

018 - Secure In God - Robert Woeger

Secure In God - Robert Woeger. The Faithclip podcast with Robert Woeger helps to increase your faith in God and in God's Word. Robert Woeger is an author and publisher, known for his teachings on faith, healing, and the power of always speaking words in agreement with God's Word. Visit Robert Woeger's official website: Robert Woeger (https://robert.tel/) .

The Faithclip Christian podcast makes a great daily devotional.

Secure In God. This is Robert Woeger, speaking today about how you can be so secure in your relationship with God, through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, that nothing else matters. Nothing can keep you from your destiny.

Nothing can keep you from doing what God designed you to do here in life. When you're secure in God, no fear, no doubt, no worry, no anxiety, no person, no event, nothing can keep you from The Perfect Will Of God. Let's focus on God, and being secure in God today.

Let's trust in The Lord with all our heart, and lean not on our own understanding, and in all our ways let's acknowledge God today, and He will direct our path. That's Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6. When you're secure in God, you know that God is your strength, your shield, and your hope. You've put your trust and hope and faith in Him through His Son Jesus Christ, and you have access to Father God, and all of the promises contained in God's Word.

So, today is a great day. You are alive. You get to experience everything that God has for you today. 
Divine connections with other people, open doors, and opportunities. You get to see the fulfillment of God's Promises, as you pray and stand in faith in agreement with God's Holy Word. Let's today focus on God.

Let's give Him thanksgiving, worship, and praise, for we are secure in God. Nothing can shake us. Nothing can stand in our way.

There are no giants that we can't speak to, and command to move, in Jesus' Name. So today, start believing. Start plotting out with God's help, with the help of His Precious Holy Spirit.

Plotting out what He wants you to do today. What steps He wants for you today. Know that you're so secure in God, that you're unshakeable in your faith, that you're bold in your faith, that you're loving to every person that you meet and come in contact with.

So walk in faith, and not by sight, and trust in Him with all your heart, and let your words glorify God, and testify to other people, that you're so secure in your relationship with God. You believe His Word so much. You confess it.

You profess His Word, and you believe it, and you act, and live your life, like God's Word is true, because it is. Once God sees that you believe Him with all of your heart, there will be nothing that can stand in your way. Everything must move and bow down, including sickness, disease, poverty, any obstacles that are blocking your way, in the way that God has for you to walk.

So trust Him, and turn your life completely over to God, because you are secure in God. Let nothing shake your faith. Instead walk in the assurance that you're an ambassador of God here on earth, to change things for the better, to speak life, and to speak hope, into other people's lives. Speak into the atmosphere, and shift the atmosphere by your words that are in agreement with God's Words. Pray, and let God's Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray that His Will would be done, and that you would be His humble vessel here on earth, and that you would follow His instructions, because you're so secure in God, knowing where you're going to spend eternity, in Heaven with Him. The rest should be just an enjoyable journey, and whatever you face, and whoever you face, know that everything is subject to change. Speak words, and watch things change for the better. God bless you.

Know that you're secure in God, and let nothing shake your faith.