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NOTHING IN COMMON WITH THE ENEMY by Robert Woeger. God implores you to have nothing in common with the enemy. Be careful. Do not love the world or the things in the world.
Do not form covenants, agreements, bonds, or relationships with unbelievers. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, The Bible says, Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership can righteousness have with the wicked? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? Because God knows that once we come into agreement or covenant with unbelievers, or sin, or anything of the enemy that's not pure and holy, then we have opened the door to the enemy.
The devil gets access to us by our sins. In fact, our sins are like food for the devil. Our sins invite the devil to have access into our life and to influence our life.
And we don't want that. We don't want to give the enemy any foothold. We don't want to give the enemy any reason or legal right to attack us.
Because, when we have anything in common with the world, with the enemy, with sin, what we're doing is, we are coming out of agreement with God. Because sin is, by definition, separation from God. So, whenever we sin, we separate ourselves from The Kingdom Of God, and from The King Himself.
Because we have switched our allegiance from God to the devil, or to a person, or to the world, or something that is not of God. Because our words confirm what we believe. And when we have something in common with the enemy, then we can't get rid of the enemy.
Because if we're in agreement with the enemy, we can't bind him and cast him out. Because we might be able to temporarily cast the enemy out, In Jesus' Name. But if we still are in agreement with the enemy, if we still have sin in our life, the enemy will likely come back.
Because the enemy has a legal right, due to our sin, to bother us, and to try to influence us. Because if we're really serious about God, we are to be holy as He Is Holy. We are to seek first God's Kingdom and His Righteousness.
And all other things will be added unto us. The key is His Kingdom, God's Kingdom, and God's Righteousness, which comes by faith in Jesus Christ. Because it's not our own righteousness, but it's Christ's Righteousness.
And we have that by faith in him. So we put on Christ, and His Righteousness. And we allow God to remold us, reshape us, and to help us resist the devil, so he'll flee.
But first we need to submit ourselves, therefore, to God. Then we can resist the devil and he'll flee. That's James 4 verse 7. And when we submit ourselves to God, and resist the devil, then we open ourselves to be under the authority of God's Kingdom. We can then spiritually come against the devil. Then we can fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold of eternal life, as 1 Timothy 6 verse 12 says. Because as we're fighting the good fight of faith, as we're taking up the shield of faith, to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one, Ephesians 6:16. As we resist the devil, he must flee.
But if we have something in common with the devil, if we're sinning, if we're being influenced by the world, if we're entering into agreements, if we're in a romantic relationship with an unbeliever, if they're not pure and holy before the Lord, then we're in trouble. Because we need to be so pure for God. We need to love The Lord with all our heart and all our soul.
And how can we love him totally, and completely, and say that He is the only one for us? How can we be exclusive to God, if we are doing things in the world, making agreements with things in the world, or with people in the world, or if we have entered into a romantic relationship with someone who is in the world? So, this message is about having nothing in common with the enemy. Because in John chapter 14 verse 30, it says, Jesus is talking, and what He said is, I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of the world is coming, and he has no claim on me. He has nothing on me.
In the Amplified Bible, it says, I will not speak with you much longer, for the ruler of this world, Satan, is coming and he has no claim on me, which is no power over me, nor anything that he can use against me. And I want you to be able to say the same thing like Jesus said. I want you to say that the enemy, the devil, has no claim on you, nothing in common with you, no power over you, nor anything he can use against you.
Because, when you're in that place, where the enemy has nothing in common with you, then he cannot influence you or make any claims to you. But if you're in the world, ...